Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday

US$12.00 US$10.00


The call to stillness comes quietly. The modern world does not.
In addition to the clatter and chatter and intrigue and in 
fighting that would be familiar to the citizens of Seneca’s time, we have car horns, stereos, cell phone alarms, social media noti- fications, chainsaws, airplanes.

Our personal and professional problems are equally over- whelming. Competitors muscle into our industry. Our desks pile high with papers and our inboxes overflow with messages. We are always reachable, which means that arguments and up- dates are never far away. The news bombards us with one crisis after another on every screen we own—of which there are many. The grind of work wears us down and seems to never stop. We are overfed and undernourished.Overstimulated, oversched- uled, and lonely.