Does Silence mean you’re at peace?

Published on 5 November 2024 at 23:34

If it is safe to say that silence means being at peace at all times; this is misleading. Many people choose to keep quiet about public issues and their experiences for varying reasons.

How do you know if someone who chooses to remain silent are happy or suffering?

  1. External Validation

Individuals sometimes want validation for the decisions they make, particularly those involving charity. They want people to show gratitude and loyalty to them. Unfortunately, this will not always be possible due to cultural, moral, and value differences. Individuals should not anticipate a reaction after delivering an act of service since the heart does not need to be constrained, but rather free of grudges and expectations. You don’t need to seek for an external confirmation to know if you’re doing something right or wrong. As long as you are happy, thoughts do not need to grow independently.

2. Self-acceptance.

Being authentic and independent is the most attractive thing about a person. It changes the way you think and embraces compassion and empathy. You are not ashamed of your weaknesses and strengths, and you choose to let your family know and appreciate them.

3. Alone

Only You appreciate the peace of the environment and enjoy your company Peace of mind is a valuable asset that you do not want to trade. You have the ability to say no to things and relationships that doesn’t add value to your life, and you will never regret such decisions.

Negative side about Silence

1. Forgiveness

The mind never lies, and any thing that does not heal the heart stays in the mind. You choose to forgive through your words, but your mind keeps reminding you that you have not forgiven this person. Silence is used to show respect, love and understanding. If you are silent but your mind is busy explaining and exaggerating the pain, then you are not at peace.

2. Approval

Acknowledgments to prove your silence is peaceful, you always want to be acknowledged or have your answers validated. Constantly looking for decisions that will change your story and not making a decision that works for you but appeals to the outside world.


Assertiveness shows whether you are confident or calm. Avoiding silence is another way to avoid conflict by fearing the consequences and always being called the good person. Many people choose to avoid their thoughts and being honest, so they feel the need to choose silence. You should expect similar situations to occur again until this problem is resolved. It will repeat until the problem is resolved.

In short, do not think that silence means peace. Everyone is dealing with something, and some feel embarrassed to share their concerns because of society’s judgments, expectations, and behaviors. Approach people who are silent on certain issues and suggest and accept alternative ways of doing things

Pauline NGONGANG talks about mindset-shift, by providing guidance on how to build/cultivate minds to attain their utmost potentials. Also, navigating through challenges by sharing personal experiences and strategies for mental and physical wellbeing. Follow for more

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